Integrated/E2E Supply Chain

Supply Chain Design: Achieve Resiliency with End to End Supply Chain Agility
Advancing E2E Agile Resiliency in Supply Chains
Supply chain leaders have been through the wringer in recent years. While it’s easy to blame recent supply chain issues on COVID-19, experts warn that risks, uncertainties and supply chain disruptions will continue to challenge economies, marketplaces, and consumers alike. It’s never been more important to 1) evaluate how vulnerable your organization is to supply chain disruptions, and 2) add end to end supply chain considerations and agile resiliency capabilities into your supply chain design. This white paper offers practical “how-to” guidance for advancing and modernizing your approach.

End to End Supply Chain Synchronization
Best Practices for Orchestrating a Winning Strategy
Successfully executed end to end supply chain strategies drive value by verifying that all supply chain activities, processes, and transitions are synchronized to the core business driver of the benchmark company. Everyone in the organization is on the same page, with supply chain leaders acting as orchestra conductors. However, successful implementation of end to end supply chain synchronization requires several elements for readiness. First and foremost of these is 100% commitment from business leadership. Download this white paper to explore what else you’ll need to build your winning strategy. Includes a toolkit, case study, best practices, benchmarking data, and more.

Supply Chain Best Practices for Building a High Performance Organization (HPO)
Tips for Leaders and Teams
Both early career supply chain professionals and senior supply chain leaders understand that their work is directly linked to company success. People are the heart of the supply chain. So how do you build a high performance organization (HPO) where every member of the supply chain team meets and exceeds their goals? In this paper, we explore supply chain management best practices that answer that question.

End-to-End Supply Chain Planning Frameworks, Concepts, and Best Practices
"End-to-End Supply Chain Planning Framework and Key Concepts: Why Planning is the ‘Brains’ of the Supply Chain”
In a complex global supply chain environment, the role of a supply chain planner cannot be underestimated. Increasingly, business executives are recognizing the importance of supply chain planning, with an urgency to improve systems, staffing, and processes. Supply chain leaders are adding dedicated, highly qualified supply chain planners to eliminate waste as well as to lead and manage processes that will more efficiently deliver on corporate goals. This white paper provides supply chain planning frameworks, concepts, research, and best practices for planning as one of the essential roles of supply chain management.

Driving Shareholder Value with Your Supply Chain Strategy
Gain a Competitive Advantage with Supply Chain Best Practices
Chief executives know economic profit drives shareholder value, and savvy business leaders are confident that supply chain excellence is critical for gaining a competitive edge, both operationally and financially. However, some businesspeople do not understand the direct link between supply chain excellence and shareholder value. This white paper explores elements of this link, helping you acquire a basic understanding of supply chain best practices and learn how organizations use supply chain innovation to generate cash to grow their respective businesses.

Supply Chain Best Practices: A Guide to Evaluating & Improving Your End-To-End Supply Chain Integration Strategy
Supply Chain Integration Strategy Best Practices: Redefining the Value Derived from End-to-End, Integrated Supply Chains
When supply chain best practices are in place, end-to-end supply chain integration strategies greatly benefit companies. Integrated supply chain structures create a common strategy, vision, and culture focused on increased value and improved performance. Despite the benefits of an end to end supply chain integration strategy, some supply chain leaders have yet to adopt this strategy and the supply chain best practices that come with it. And, even if they are, there remain ways to expand and further optimize their approach. Authors of this white paper interviewed people from inside 16 leading companies across eight industries to answer those exact questions. They also provide helpful definitions and concepts, integration benefits, supply chain best practices, an integration toolkit, case study, and answer six key questions supply chain leaders should be asking themselves.

Best Practices for End-to-End Supply Chain Collaboration
Today supply chain professionals are busier than ever. Their attention is pulled in every direction they’re challenged to multi-task to achieve results. One means of lightening the load to drive innovation is supply chain collaboration. In this white paper, sponsored by SGS Maine Pointe, we share end to end supply chain collaboration best practices to help leaders improve corporate culture, value, and results.

Advanced Demand/Supply Integration (DSI)
DSI Best Practices and How To Avoid Ineffective S&OP Implementations
During field interviews about demand/supply integration (DSI), GSCI researchers uncovered a friction point that required further investigation. Across 18 benchmark companies spanning several industries, and through a partnership with global DSI expert Mark Moon, they found that: 1) Supply chain leaders support and believe in DSI and dedicate time, money, and resources to DSI processes and S&OP implementation, and 2) DSI and S&OP have been largely ineffective for decades. Download this white paper to dig into the supply chain best practices we’ve unearthed for creating the right culture and rewards to ensure DSI's success.

Best Practices for PLCM: Platform Life Cycle Management
Supply Chain Innovation Series: Platform Management and Beyond
Though certainly not a new hurdle, today’s supply chain leaders face increasing challenges in maintaining profitability. As supply chains become more complex, businesses can struggle to adapt efficiently. To navigate this complexity, some leading organizations turn to a supply chain strategy known as Platform Life Cycle Management (PLCM) to simplify and standardize supply chain operations. The Global Supply Chain Institute (GSCI) conducted research with 14 top-performing companies to explore PLCM supply chain best practices. This white paper, part of a Supply Chain Innovation series, offers practical insights and examples from companies successfully implementing PLCM strategies.

Supply Chain Management Challenges and Best Practices
How to Improve Purchasing & Logistics Supply Chain Integration in Your Organization
For decades, supply chain leaders have focused on performance issues emerging from a lack of business alignment with supply chain operations. With significant business integration improvements and systemic processes like Integrated Business Planning (IBP) and Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP), our research has uncovered a new opportunity for supply chain optimization within the traditional supply chain functions. Firms that do not align purchasing and logistics are missing an opportunity to create value. Our team worked with hundreds of companies to identify supply chain best practices your business can implement, as well as to illustrate how high performers are “bending the chain” to better align these two key functions.