In the News

Press Kit
July 15, 2024

Watch: How Collaborative Bidding Drives Innovation in Supplier Relationships

CBC Radio
July 13, 2024

0% financing on a new car? Deals are back — on some models

Supply Chain Management Review
July 12, 2024

Five organizational action areas for developing supply chain talent

Supply Chain Management Review
July 8, 2024

11 core competencies critical for today’s supply chain planners

Supply Chain Management Review
June 27, 2024

Five critical challenges facing supply chain planning talent and leadership development

USA Today
June 11, 2024

What do experts say about long-distance moving companies?

Dynamo's Future of Supply Chain Podcast
June 6, 2024

Navigating the Complexities of Global Trade and Logistics: A Deep Dive into Supply Chain Management

The Conversation
May 31, 2024

Does the US have a planned economy? You might be surprised

Logistics Management
May 23, 2024

Bipartisan legislation focused on supply chain resilience is introduced in the Senate

Inbound Logistics
May 20, 2024

Your Yard, Optimized

May 7, 2024

The Power of Agility in Global Supply Chains

The Guardian
April 28, 2024

Cash is king — for now: China signals it will slow transition to cashless society