Advanced Demand/Supply Integration (DSI)

Advanced Demand/Supply Integration (DSI) Best Practices

“Why S&OP Has Been Ineffective for Four Decades”

A White Paper by the University of Tennessee Global Supply Chain Institute. Sponsored by HAVI.


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Authors:Mark Moon, PhD; Mike Burnette; Mike Policastro
Date: April, 2018

What's Inside

"Many CEOs and GMs are leveraging DSI to penetrate market dynamics, hone operating strategies, and effectively execute business decisions in a more timely and sustainable fashion."

For their research, the co-authors of this paper discussed supply chain strategy and S&OP (sales and operations planning) with professionals from more than 18 benchmark companies from CPG, food and beverage, physical distribution, third-party logistics, and other industries. All the supply chain leaders they spoke with were unanimous in their support of DSI processes. They believed DSI integrations improve results, create organizational focus, and reduce internal conflict and waste. They also support strong DSI systems and training and employ qualified internal/external implementation experts and consultants.So, why have DSI processes been largely ineffective for the last 40 years? 

The answer: organizational culture. The success of DSI processes goes beyond system technologies, data, reports, and training. Proper integration occurs only when multiple organizational entities behave as if they were a single entity to achieve broad (and shared) organizational goals. That requires leadership that goes beyond making changes to an organization’s structure. 

Since shifting company values and ways of thinking is not easy, our research team unearthed seven DSI supply chain best practices through interviews and analysis of what did and did not work for best-in-class organizations. This white paper provides supply chain leaders with an in-depth look into critical issues with S&OP practices as well as the latest, advanced practices for creating successful DSI integration for complex enterprises.

Within this white paper, you will find: 

  • Basic DSI practices 
  • Helpful DSI definitions, context, illustrative figures, and examples
  • A book excerpt from DSI expert, author, and Haslam College of Business professor Mark Moon 
  • Seven DSI supply chain best practices 
  • A case study featuring advanced supply chain analytics service provider HAVI 

Download to identify ways your supply chain strategy and organization culture can be adapted for successfully implementing DSI.  

Who This White Paper is Primarily For: Global Supply Chain Managers, Corporate CEOs, Supply Chain Professionals, Chief Supply Chain Officers, Chief Procurement Officers, Supply Chain Leaders, and Supply Chain Students.

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White Paper Cover: Advanced Demand/Supply Integration (DSI) Best Practices: Why S&OP Has Largely Not Been Effective in Last Four Decades