New Supply Chain Technology Best Practices

Best Practices for Embracing Innovative Technologies

“The Application of New Technology in the Physical Supply Chain”

A White Paper by the University of Tennessee Global Supply Chain Institute. Sponsored by Kenco Logistics and JDA.


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Authors:J. Paul Dittmann, PhD
Date: April, 2017

What's Inside

“The real message is this: we are now in an era of unprecedented advances. Business as usual will be fatal. But unlimited opportunities await those that embrace this coming wave of change.” 

With innovation around every corner, it is a truly exciting time to be in the field of supply chain management. But it’s also a daunting time for supply chain leaders trying to learn, adopt, and apply new supply chain technologies while maintaining their current business goals and day-to-day tasks. 

Despite the challenge for supply chain professionals, innovation is already impacting physical supply chains. Organizations must adapt. At a bare minimum, that means keeping in step with new supply chain technologies, including material, digital, and software advances.

This white paper illustrates updated supply chain best practices for applying new technology to physical supply chains. It should also assist professionals to both navigate the changing landscape and stay ahead of the curve by strategizing for and embracing new supply chain technologies. If it doesn’t presently, your organization's future may include drones, robotics, wearable technology, 3-D printing, and driverless vehicles. As we said before, we’re in exciting times.

Within this white paper download, you will find:

  • Categories of supply chain innovation
  • Benefits, barriers, and deep dives into:
    • Drones in the supply chain
    • Supply chain robotics 
    • Wearables, like smart glasses,  in the supply chain
    • 3-D printing and additive manufacturing 
    • Driverless vehicles
  • Processes and best practices for pursuing supply chain innovation

This White Paper is Primarily For: Global Supply Chain Managers, Corporate CEOs, Supply Chain Professionals, Chief Supply Chain Officers, Chief Procurement Officers, Supply Chain Leaders, and Supply Chain Students.

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White Paper Cover: New Supply Chain Technology Best Practices: The Application of New Technology in the Physical Supply Chain