
For over 25 years, the Supply Chain Forum has helped companies learn, network, and recruit. Held twice a year, the forum offers industry leaders the opportunity to network with their peers, meet students and young supply chain professionals, benchmark with other practitioners, and learn about impactful research and innovation in the field of supply chain management from GSCI’s top faculty and industry partners.

Peter Anderson

“Two areas where organizations routinely benefit from GSCI partnership are talent development opportunities, along with meaningful learning and networking experiences for leaders across our supply chain. The experience of meeting students early in their development and getting the chance to influence their growth and development as they prepare to enter the workforce is very rewarding.”

– Peter Anderson, Global Supply Chain Lead, Genpact

The Supply Chain Forum is one of many partnership opportunities at the Global Supply Chain Institute and is an excellent way for companies to be introduced to GSCI. With hundreds of industry professionals from over 80 companies, the forum hosts a variety of presentations and breakout sessions focused on the most recent supply chain challenges and opportunities.

The SCF offers companies who attend the chance to adopt innovative practices, network with other leaders, and recruit world-class talent. Member-only benefits include the opportunity to facilitate engagement with our globally ranked global supply chain faculty and top SCM students, including Scholars of Distinction, CSCMP and NeXxus student leaders.



The university context allows us to focus on meaningful content without the commercialization characteristic of some conferences. Join this unique community of SCM leaders and academia as we share industry insights and focus on critical real-world issues.


Hundreds of supply chain professionals from dozens of the nation’s leading companies attend each Supply Chain Forum. Tap into this network of elite industry and academic thought leaders to discuss and debate the latest in supply chain management.


Interview top-performing undergraduate and graduate students for internships and supply chain positions. Partners have exclusive opportunities to begin early career conversations with the supply chain management Scholars of Distinction.

student networking with Forum partner

Upcoming Supply Chain Forum Dates

Spring 2025


April 8-10

Fall 2025


November 4-6

Spring 2026


April 21-23

Rob McIntosh Headshot

“The speakers and content at the Supply Chain Forum are reason enough to return, but it’s the hands-on training, networking and practical, applicable learning and exercises that make the Forum truly pay off for me.”

– Rob McIntosh, Senior Vice President, Dell Global Operations

Partnership Opportunities

We offer two corporate partnership options – Basic and Premium. Our partners represent large, mid-sized and small companies and a broad spectrum of industries, including manufacturers, retailers and service providers. If you’re interested in joining the Supply Chain Forum, let us know and we will contact you soon.

Contact Us

Basic Premium
Forum Five seats at each of the two Forums per year Eight seats at each of the two Forums per year
Learning 15% discount on executive education (non-degree)
  • Two seats in the 14-week SCM Leadership or Finance Academies
  • 15% discount on executive education (non-degree)
  • Opportunities to interact with classes and groups and submit student projects
  • Concierge recruiting assistance
  • Priority access to classes, groups and student project submissions
  • Priority registration for networking events
  • Payment waived for the SCM Career Fair
  • Concierge recruiting assistance
  • Recommend white paper topics
  • Recommend white paper topics
  • Engage in research and partnerships
Payment 1-year commitment is $18,000 per year

3-year commitment and payment earns a 10% discount for a total of $48,600

1-year commitment is $28,000 per year

3-year commitment and payment earns a 10% discount for a total of $75,600

If you’re interested in becoming a Supply Chain Forum Partner, contact us to learn more about how GSCI can benefit your global supply chain business.

Contact Us