
Essential reading from leading researchers and scholars on the latest trends and topics relevant to global supply chain management.

Ariel view of commercial port

Guide to Supply Chain Planning

December 9, 2019
Effective supply chain planning offers invaluable competitive advantage.
Person standing in the aisle of a warehouse, holding a clipboard while talking on the phone.

Managing Transportation and Logistics in Supply Chains

November 27, 2019
Maintaining well-organized logistics and supply chain management is essential to keeping a competitive advantage.
Earn an MSSCM online from top-ranked UT Haslam

UT Haslam Expands Executive MBA for Global Supply Chain; Currently Recruiting Ambitious Supply Chain Professionals for January 2020 Intake

November 25, 2019
UT Haslam’s Executive MBA for Global Supply Chain, a top-ranked, nationally-recognized and highly focused program, is currently accepting applications for Spring of 2020 enrollment.
World map overlaid with hexagonal structure and icons representing factories, transportation, and shopping.

Guide to Supply Chain Optimization

November 11, 2019
An introduction and a guide to supply chain optimization discusses the process of getting a product from Point A to Point B before it eventually ends up in the hands of the end-customer.
UT Haslam Currently Recruiting Supply Chain Professionals for January 2020 EMBA

UT Haslam Currently Recruiting Supply Chain Professionals for January 2020 EMBA

November 11, 2019
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville’s Haslam College of Business is currently accepting applications for spring 2020 enrollment in its top-ranked Executive MBA for Global Supply Chain.
Study Projects High Performance Organization Best Practices for 2025

Study Projects High Performance Organization Best Practices for 2025

November 5, 2019
What will it take for businesses to perform at a high level in the supply chain and hold a competitive advantage over their rivals in the next decade?
Woman standing confidently next to her male counterpart reviewing a supply chain plan.

New UT Study Highlights Obstacles, Possibilities for Women in Supply Chain

October 31, 2019
Women make up 40 percent of the workforce in supply chain organizations, yet only 15 percent of these firms have female representation at the executive levels, recent research shows.
Management logistics of Industrial Container Cargo for Import Export business.

Sustainability in Supply Chain: How to Reduce Carbon Footprint

October 29, 2019
Reducing carbon emissions needs to be a global priority. Supply chain managers can help.
Young male student working on a computer with a large screen in the background.

The Continuing Impact of 21st Century Supply Chain Technologies

October 22, 2019
Supply chain managers have a critical role to play in ensuring the success of data implementation.
Two businessmen with digital tablet in warehouse.

Guide to Becoming a Chief Logistics Officer

September 30, 2019
Learn more about the role of a chief logistics officer.